Political Science

Political Science is a discipline considered part of Social Sciences. The focus of study is the power mainly. In this context of era global appears new topic and subject of studies, for example: feminism, globalization, migration, unhundred, democracy, etc. The “father” of the discipline is Nicholas Machiavello with his book “The Prince”. Other topic of studies is also the international relations and diplomacy. So if you want become a Diplomatic you must take like option this career.
The Political Science in Chile is a little bit new and unknow yet. I think with the time this will be a success because has so much topic of studies and forms of the explain the reality political and social. In our country started like postgraduate and little to little has a leadership. You can to see political scientists in press or in news, also in ONG´s, in goverments local and national and why not politics also and studied it.

If you studied other career and you are interested in this, you have many options to continue with studies in Chile like in other countries. In our country you can study the master in Political Science at Public Issues Department of University of Chile or master in International Studies. How see if the political is you vocation you have many forms of the study it!. 


  1. Hi Sofía, I had a political science course at the first year of uni with a teacher that usually appears on CNN, and I found it quite interesting. It required us to constantly read news and keep abreast of current events, it was entertaining. I'm glad you enjoy it :)

  2. Political science sounds so interesting, I would love to know more about the topic


  3. Maybe if I had not decided archeology, my other option was political science, it always seemed like a very interesting career.


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